
Just added another story "Of Trees and Flowers" to the collection "Wisdom's Way: Tales, Treasures, Truths." I would appreciate your reading , thoughts, and comments.


          I was wondering if you'd like to check out my story called My Unlikely Best Friend. I'd seriously appreciate it if you did!


@sab258 Yeah, I agree and do admit I have a lot to work on, like what you've pointed out. My Unlikely Best Friend is my first story ever, so there's bound to be mistakes, lol. I began this story without any structure or guidelines, sadly, so that explains the poor beginning but as I continued to write, I believe that I've improved some on the more recent chapters. I also am going to take down the story once I've finished to hopefully fix and rewrite the errors that are in it.


            On the flip side, it is quite popular today to create super characters that are not presented as "real or believable". Superheros and overcoming incredible obstacles are popular topics. However, if you want to write that way, I would still suggest that you balance the positive with the negative. I just read chapters 3 - 6 and voted on them. I do like the positive, cheerful, youthful, and exciting dialog. It makes a story fun to read, but for the most part, it is all positive, which can't be the case for a cancer patient, or someone with a miserable disease. Everything is too easy for your character. i think you should write more about the challenging obstacle of the disease; the pain, frustration, sorrow, fear, need for assistance, excessive tiredness, exhaustion, etc. Describing in more detail her suffering and difficulty while still maintaining an upbeat, cheerful, and positive attitude will connect readers more deeply than dominating with the positive alone. These kinds of changes may be too late for this story, but in future writing I would suggest spending more time and words on challenges and obstacles.


@sab258 Lol, it did hurt a little reading your criticism but no, it's okay. I welcome constructive criticism, so I thank you for your thoughts and opinions! Especially when you mentioned that it might not be that believable and that my sentence structure and arrangements needs more work. I'll look into that and try fix it the best I can. Thank God for editors, though.


I've added another title (a collection for new stories I'll be adding periodically). The collection title is "Tales for Tomorrow" the first story there is called "Never to be Forgotten." Give it a read if you have some time. Thanks.


Thanks for reading my little ditty.


@sab258 And between just writing and writing written right, right?


            You're welcome. I like cooking myself and can cook well enough to know something of the art as well. There is a great difference between just food and food cooked right.


Was nice and quiet here. My son, daughter in law and 6 kids have been with us for a while as they look for a new home. Quite delightful to be able to spend quality time with them and have them for Christmas. They have spent every Christmas with our daughter in law's people until this year. Was it a good time for you?


            Thank you, glad you did too.


@TheOldUnseenGuyHere a white Christmas would be quite something for us as we seldom get snow deeper than 2 inches in winter where we are.we are only about 300 feet above sea level.  Of course it is mid summer here. Glad you had a lovely Christmas.


            A nice quiet Christmas for us as well. My wife and I have no children, so it's just us. Her parents and sister live near, so we spent some time with them and enjoyed peace and quiet. We had a white Christmas, about 4-5" of snow. That's always nice at Christmastime.


Thank you for voting on God's Word. God Bless you, Brother.


@CarrieThomasFoster yes lord.  I was thinking about that verse yesterday. 


            Yes, this trend is sad, but unfortunately true; a great deception in our current world, but as one of my favorite bible verses warns - "Be not deceived, God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the spirit shall of the spirit reap life everlasting." - Galatians 6:7-8. We must watch ourselves, set our course on the straight and narrow way, follow the Holy Spirit,  and remind all we can of the truth of God's Word.


Amen brother amen


Thank you for reading my work and following. I do appreciate your support. I plan to read your book shortly. Will be busy next few days but hope to fit in some reading.


            Thank you for reading and posting on my work as well. It's refreshing to find thoughtful and truly inspiring reading. I like the way you've put your writing and poetry together. It takes some time to sort through so much writing on wattpad and elsewhere, but worth the time when I find writing worth reading. Thanks again.