
          	after what’s came out about wilbur, i’ve decided im going to archive the story. i don’t feel comfortable with having it up on my account considering everything that has happened, and not to mention i left the fandom months ago. i hope you guys can understand <3 much love 


          after what’s came out about wilbur, i’ve decided im going to archive the story. i don’t feel comfortable with having it up on my account considering everything that has happened, and not to mention i left the fandom months ago. i hope you guys can understand <3 much love 


sorry i haven’t been updating … interest wise, i haven’t been too active in the fandom (as ive been busy wrapping my head around other ccs lol) and not to mention i forgot wattpad even existed soooo :p 
          but!!! i WILL try and find time for finishing the new chapter. it is in my drafts currently but it’s nearly finished.


THANK YOU EVERYBODY FOR 1K READS ON MY STORY <333 this is a goal that i’ve always wanted to reach when it came to wattpad stories and now that i’ve finally reached it, i thank each and every one of you who has read, commented, voted and saved it  y’all mean the world ily