Ok gonna go on a little (turned very long, oopsie! Sorry for notif. btw) rant js cuz :
Idk how or why but I always manage to attract JUST fake friends.
Like the few actual friendships I've ever had where the other person didn't leave me for someone else/a larger friend group/mean girls is my boy ex-bsf who I had been friends with for like 11-ish years (due to the pandemic we just drifted apart and that was that) and now a girl who also has the same fake friend as I do.
And like I js don't get it? I try to be nice, I never insult them unprovoked like THEY do to me (let's be real here, if someone insults/hits me I hit/insult back cuz ik my worth and I AIN'T someone's rag!!), and I always try to have similar interests with them, so much so that I even look at shows/movies/etc they like just so we have more in common.
For example my "bestie" now in 9th grade (imma call her T) was friends with M (girl I'm friends with rn), then she kinda left M for me, and now she left me for like two blondies who've been friends for 10 years, a girl who is on vacation most of the time and is barely at school, and three other girls (one of which is kinda a mean girl and is friends with a girl, E, who has bullied me deadass my whole life and is generally the main bully in the class) [1/??]