
Thanks to being reminded about how absolutely poorly planned out Helluva Boss is and how awful of a show it is (imo at least), I shall now come up with the designs of the princes of Hell and what their dynamics with Azael are and more lore for the book yippee


I am not into Countryhumans anymore I swear
          It's just easy to farm views/stars off of that fandom, and it's also easy to farm requests, and since I'm doing requests so I can get back into my authentic writing style....
          I changed and grew as a person I swear :crying emoji:
          Obviously I expect it to be a flop but hey Lady Luck picks and chooses in mysterious ways


Gonna attempt to remake my goodluck  bracelet tomorrow before I go to olympiad preparations. I originally made it when I was like 5 and I wanted it to be symmetric so bad but I didn't have enough of the same beads
          Why I'm saying that it's my goodluck bracelet is bcz I did a funny thing where I whispered to it "you will bring me good luck" as a joke, then forgot about it for a couple of years, remembered about it before a math competition (my mom promised to get me a hoverboard if I got a high score), then I got first place without studying (had the bracelet on)
          Anyway besides that all my announcements will have the "give notif" option always on cuz yes :p


Ok gonna go on a little (turned very long, oopsie! Sorry for notif. btw) rant js cuz :
          Idk how or why but I always manage to attract JUST fake friends.
          Like the few actual friendships I've ever had where the other person didn't leave me for someone else/a larger friend group/mean girls is my boy ex-bsf who I had been friends with for like 11-ish years (due to the pandemic we just drifted apart and that was that) and now a girl who also has the same fake friend as I do.
          And like I js don't get it? I try to be nice, I never insult them unprovoked like THEY do to me (let's be real here, if someone insults/hits me I hit/insult back cuz ik my worth and I AIN'T someone's rag!!), and I always try to have similar interests with them, so much so that I even look at shows/movies/etc they like just so we have more in common.
          For example my "bestie" now in 9th grade (imma call her T) was friends with M (girl I'm friends with rn), then she kinda left M for me, and now she left me for like two blondies who've been friends for 10 years, a girl who is on vacation most of the time and is barely at school, and three other girls (one of which is kinda a mean girl and is friends with a girl, E, who has bullied me deadass my whole life and is generally the main bully in the class) [1/??]


@sallyHasFUNFUN- Not to mention here in Romania there was the election campaign thing and there was basically a woman vs a man and the man was like "oh women belong in the kitchen!!! Communism my baba grill!! Putin is so slayy ommg yass king! ABORTION IS MURDER KYS-" and then the woman was like "hey so lgbtq ppl aren't bad actually!! My daughter's lgbtq and she's so nice- idk why y'all think so lowly of ppl like that?-" and T deadass said "I'd rather have no rights and be forced to give birth as a teen mom than have GAYS on the street holding hands" like PLEASE find the nearest bridge ASAP I'M NOT JOKING; js cuz you hate ppl being themselves so much that you'd rather be a housewife and have no rights and there be no abortions does NOT make you quirky Missy!! It makes you look insane actually!!
            Anyway rant over; idk I just genuinely thought she was my bsf but ig not. I genuinely thought "oh she's cool she's not problematic like the others" when I saw her and js heard her conversations at the beginning of the year (she wasn't talking homophobia nor anything racist back in September+October) . I feel like one of the blonde girls she's friends with made her switch her opinion of me cuz sometimes I catch that girl side eyeing me/ looking at me with this weird ass look on her face. I've no problem with the other blonde girl tho, she's chill


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@sallyHasFUNFUN- And then some time ago, M told her "hey I don't like having friends who insult me-" then T said sum, idr what, then I said "Some ppl are js sensitive and they js don't want friends who insult them. Me inclu-" then T cut me off before I got the chance to finish and she was like "Ok it ain't my problem that they're sensitive"; I feel like at that moment I realized what type of person she is, bcz I did :she's the type of person who has one million personalities she switches from just so she can surround herself with more ppl she can " jokingly insult" js so she can feel better about herself, and when she sees some of her friends are genuinely not comfortable with that she just drops them as if they're some broken pencils she can't use anymore. Like you got me fucked up if you think I'mma js be ur carpet
            Call me a weirdo/insane/pick me, wtv, but T is LITERALLY the definition of basic; i.e she's all like "omg I'm soooo hyperactive ADHD OCD silly!!>.< I'm such a 5 yr old!!1!" one second then she's like "omgggg that 20+ year old guy is so hot I'd let him smash js cuz he has a MOTORCYCLE!!!! IDC IF I'M A MINOR, CUZ LIKE SMASSHHH BARK BARK BARK MOTORCYCLES WOOOP" then she's like insulting her alleged friends js cuz she can, and then she's like "ehm yaoi?? *heart eye emoji* but like nahhh cuz ewww gays I'm like so straight" then she proceeds to say THE MOST racist and homophobic things ever like PLEASE pick a struggle miss ma'am?? Unfortunately there's not much I can expect from ppl here cuz I'm in the Balkans and...yeah-
            Also I ain't one to judge but she deadass switches her clothing style (yes I'm gonna criticize her for everything now cuz she genuinely got me ftfu with her rancid behavior) like one day she dresses like a literal hobo then she's all DTI booktok dressed then she's grunge then she's wtv tf else like consistency = 0 I'm sorry but like


@sallyHasFUNFUN- and on Thursday T kept insulting my appearance saying "oh you have a big ass forehead" (mine is literally smaller than hers but ok-?) And then she was like "At least people like/tolerate me" like NAH I know you did NOT just say that cuz tf?! Deadass even one of the chillest guys in class was surprised cuz T was hostile towards me (and obv I was hostile back cuz tf?)


To whatever active followers I may still have :
          How would y'all feel if I made a very very slow burn book about two gay Gods (i.e supreme Gods aka they created the universe) featuring some custom angels n stuff :p
          I'mma write it anyway so-
          I'll also maybe write LMK stuff but idk if anyone would be interested in my *many many* AUs using literally the same OCS I've made
          Also I wasn't able to recover the Countryhumans book, so while im not exactly disappointed as I'm no longer in the fandom nor want to be associated with it, it's still a bummer cause I wasted so much time on it and many ppl liked it
          Idk if anyone who read that book and followed me specifically for it actually likes my writing style and would be interested in reading more from me, but js yknow
          Anyway long update but uhhh yah!!!


@sallyHasFUNFUN idk but I hope your feeling better now


Hey. It's erm.. well actually idk what name you knew me by but I think I lost you on Discord. How you been?


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@sallyHasFUNFUN dealing with my parents going through a divorce and getting into dumb shit with my brother lmao. hope those fake friends trip and fall on a sharp rock for you 


@ezeralian oh hii!
            I've been fine, dealing with some shitty classmates and fake friends tho, wbu?