
Hello !
          My name is Andrew and I am a community outreach specialist with The Swiftly Writing Community. 
          Today, I have a special gift for you - an amazing book from a talented author that you won't want to miss. 
          Have you ever wondered how to find great books to read? 
          Look no further, as I am here to introduce you to one of @The__Tourtured__Poet  captivating stories  that will keep you turning the pages.
           I encourage you to read, vote on each chapter, leave comments, and share it with your friends.
           Your support means the world to us and we greatly appreciate it. 
          Thank you for being a part of the writing community and have a wonderful day!


Ciao! Scusa il disturbo. Ho appena iniziato a scrivere una storia, mi farebbe molto piacere se la leggessi perché sono appena arrivata a 2000 letture e mi piacerebbe arrivare a 3000. Se conosci qualcuno a cui può piacere, potresti consigliarla? Significa molto per me, mi piacerebbe avere un tuo parere tra i commenti e le stelline❤️