
Hey! I want to know if you are okay and I wanted to ask when will you comeback to writing? Your stories are amazing I have never read something like that before your stories are like woah! What? Wait! Is it for real? Is the author really that talented? I just can't describe the feelings quite well. I will be waiting!


@sauzmic NO WAY! Are you serious?! Did you just reply me? Oh my God! Well! I really want you to comeback and make sure that you get more followers cause you actually deserve it. I'm waiting for update. Thank you.


 you are so sweet. Thank you for reading my stories, and your comment made my day. You won’t have to wait any longer. I plan to make a few chapter updates sometime this week+weekend. ^^


Hello.  I don't want to be a bother but I really like your story Survival High.  I lost my last account a while ago and got a new one.  Even thought you didn't update that much I really liked the story. So when I got the new account Survival High was the first story I went to look for.  I know your busy and your probly doing something else way more important but I have to know what happens next.  I already waited for months and didn't want to be that person but I just really want to continue reading this great story. I hope you read this. Thank you for writing Survival High. 


@Chimmyandpie OMG thank you i woke up and saw the update and got so exited. My sisters barged into my room asking me if i saw a mouse because i was jumping on my bed. 


Wow. I never knew my story could elicit such eagerness. But yes, I’ve decided to continue on with it again. :)
            And no worries, comments like these give me motivation to write again.


Hi! Are you going to update Survival High soon? If you’re busy I understand but your schedule in the book said you’d update every other day or something but you haven’t updated in a while. Just wanted to know, if you’re busy don’t overwork yourself!


Ah no worries, just curious about why you haven’t updated. Thanks! 


@WessaMalecClaceSizzy Ah haha on nooooo. Um. I had this Istep thung going on and it seems everyonee but me was prepared for it. So yeah...sorta had to do stuff like that. But I'll start updating again this saturday. Or maybe today. Sorry for the wait :')


Ah I love Survival High!!! I’m on Wattpad so much now because I’m waiting for an update even if you just posted. Don’t overwork yourself if you’re busy, keep up the amazing work author-nim!!


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@WessaMalecClaceSizzy He is a bottom. Not necessarily a power bottom asshole bottom? Lol if that makes sense.


Is Tae top or bottom? Is he a strong top? Bottom? Power bottom?


How could you disappoint?!? I’m in love with your book! You cannot go wrong when you’re writing this


Please update survival high 


this message may be offensive
Fuck, TRUE**