Of all that is written, I love only what a person hath written with their blood
  • Canada
  • InscritMarch 14, 2020

Histoires par Simon Brass
The Emptiness of Fascism par sbrass26
The Emptiness of Fascism
After her professor is suspended for showing a video of Holocaust skeptic 'J Peterman' Sarah must confront t...
ranking #52 dans la catégorie fascism Voir tous les classements
Hell is the Absence of a Washroom par sbrass26
Hell is the Absence of a Washroom
A devoted priest loses his faith while trapped in an outhouse. Filled with existential despair and acerbic wi...
ranking #607 dans la catégorie inferno Voir tous les classements
The Slaughterhouse par sbrass26
The Slaughterhouse
A dull functionary working at a slaughterhouse is oblivious to the horrors of his surroundings until a chance...
ranking #825 dans la catégorie existential Voir tous les classements
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