"Let's carpe the hell out of this diem." -Liam

I always said it and will say it again: Fictional characters are gonna be the death of me.

I'd list them but do I even have enough space?

Last-page reader. Fight me.

I have scribbles in writing called "Psycho's Fault" that'll probably never be published :) cause I haven't touched it over 3 years and I was a kid :)

I just love writing snarky comebacks and one-shots of my own characters that were never let known to anybody in this universe :)

And I rant occasionally.
#Hamfam :) :) :)
  • Gallifrey, Constellation of Kasterborous
  • Üye olduAugust 27, 2016

Son Mesaj
shallitbehidden shallitbehidden May 16, 2020 11:08PM
So I can see the comments of the people I follow on my news feed but can't see my own comments anymore bc activity feed is gone and guess what, ofc we absolutely love that! Now how do I find the book...
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