Name: shardstorm, stormy, whatever.
Age: none of your damn business XD
Likes: anime, Rpg video games, first/third person shooters,fanfiction, sweets of any kind (besides war heads D:) and good stories :D, spicy food.
Dislikes: mean people, worries with bad grammar, sour stuff, bugs, OP characters (like superman), SAO (DONT KILL ME), and unentertaining games of any kind.
Other stuff: I'm weird, plain and simple :P
Also, I. Love. Pokemans. And UNDERTALE!!!!!!!!!!

Update: I've found out an astonishing thing, all teenagers that are in between the age of 13 and 18 seem to have some form of narcolepsy! :P
  • انضمJune 14, 2016

الرسالة الأخيرة
shardstorm shardstorm Jul 20, 2016 06:44PM
Click on my works because my profile is to long :P
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