
The last part of Chapter Six and The Final Chapter: "You don't Have To Go Home, but You Can't Stay Here" is officially going up tonight on Wattpad.
          	My sincere thanks to my editor Aliza Pearl and to Zoe of Wattpad.
          	Shaun Landry


          This comment has been labeled as offensive.
          Actually, it not.  It's the place where conversations are started to make people interact and hopefully understand.
          The term Bisexuality (spelled with an "i" and not a "Y") is considered being attracted to both the male and female gender.  It means you can be in love and have sexual relations with one or the other sex.
          Being bisexual does not exclude you from marrying one person or another of your choice.  It also does not exclude a person from being married altogether.
          The person who loved me with all of their heart.  Who understood me.  Who understood who I was and had no quips or qualms about who I am  just happened to be a man.
          And the LBGTQ Community embraces both myself and him.
          Here is some helpful information on bisexuality on its very base level on wiki Jay:
          Learn about who you are.
          Also, please from all of us bisexuals?
          Learn how to spell it at least.
          I hope when you find the person who will be your soulmate.  that you can love and respect with all of your heart.
          And maybe get married.  
          Whether it's a man or a woman.
          Either way, may that union be one that is lasting,  Jay.
          Now off to continue help casting MTF and FTM transgenders for this year's season of Glee.
          Transgenders also get married too.


Hello Watpadders!
          Usually we put up my book "Lesbian Dancing After The Show: An Improviser's Non Improvised Life" every Saturday.
          Well, I have been honored to be a part of a film called Desire that does it principal shooting tomorrow and I will be on set all day.
          Since I do not have "Shaun Landry Wranglers" you are going to get the first part of Chapter Six entitled "The Los Angeles Lesbian Lap Dance"  tonight.
          This part includes The ongoing writings I have put together called "The Casting Thingy"  
          ...yes.  And, you have to read each one to believe what actors really see in Hollywood before we even get hired.  :)
          Enjoy this part of the chapter.
          I will see you all next week.
          Breaking Legs, tomorrow...
          Shaun Landry


Hello wonderful Wattpader's
          The Second part of Chapter Five: The San Francisco Lesbian Waltz goes live on Saturday, November 1st.
          It includes "The Pregnancy Diaries"  A nice read around this year's mid elections with a memory slide down the 2008 Presidential Elections.
          "I'm the Barry Goldwater of Pregnancies" - From The Pregnancy Diaries, 2008.
          Enjoy tomorrow!
          Until then, Happy Halloween.
          Shaun Landry


Hello wonderful Wattpad Readers:
          Chapter Four of Lesbian Dancing After The Show:  An Improviser's Non Improvised Life entitled "The Chicago Lesbian Cha-Cha Remix" goes up tomorrow, Saturday October 18th.
          New Chapters every Saturday.
          Let there always be truth in comedy,
          Shaun Landry