
/ replies will come later tonight!!     i’m sorry for the delay,     my wifi has been so messed up lately


/ i ended up having to take my senior dog to the vet this morning.     she’s okay but replies will be pushed back again 


' woah , woah — easy there e hoa ( friend ) , i don't think you should go swimming fully clothed like that , it's not safe . . . you feeling okay ? '


the stranger's dissociative state had been the biggest worry for rhys , enough to plant himself between him and the crashing waves . 
            despite his worry , rhys offered a warm smile , careful not to intrude too close into the other's personal space . it'd help no one if he felt intimidated . 
            ' you seemed a little out of it , mate , just wanna know you're with us , yeah ? i get like that too sometimes . . . how about we take your shoes off , yeah ? don't want you weighed down in the water . ' 


"what?”     the words are blurted out,     a foggy gaze refocusing,    brown eyes blinking rapidly to adjust—     to see the other person.     rue pauses,     uncertain of himself;     of what he might’ve been about to do.     had it happened again?     the trance he was in—     his feet weren’t to be trusted,     not around water,     anyway.     “uh,     yeah,”     nodding,     the words aren’t convincing at all.      “i was jus'..    goin' for a dip.”
            * @LOYALMUTT *


   you didn’t see a thing. if anyone asks … you deny everything. understood?


@siegeofwaves     i have nothing to give except for ensuring you won’t end up like that guy. i still have room for a second meal.


i don’t really feel like i’m getting anything out of this deal.
            * @venomxheart *


   i don’t mean to bother you but do you think you could help me find a way to get my shoe from the water?


            oh! oh my god!  ( one minute he was there and the next he was gone. screw her shoe she was worried about him falling in the water. possibly hitting his head or something. worse! she wasn’t sure if he could swim. )  hey! are you okay?!  ( from where she was she couldn’t even see how deep the water actually was. so she was a tad nervous for him. )


yeah,     sure thing.     (     rue turns,     eyes scanning over the water for the lost shoe.     when he sees it,     the more logical thing to do would be to try and grab it—      he has the arm length for it.     but ultimately,     the call of the water wins out.     soon enough he’s diving in,     completely clothed.     )
            * @ophietrophie *


“You ever seen the Great Lakes? They look like oceans. Scary oceans. I don’t like water. Open water.”


there’s a pause coming from rue,     his dark brows raising in slight surprise.     “there aren’t any sharks in there,    man.     there’s snakes and other stuff—     parasites.      but no sharks.     ..  you can sorta see.     'specially if ya go divin'.     there were a lotta cool ship wrecks in lake michigan.”
            * @PuttinOnTheFoil *


            “I dunno. I always think there are like, sharks in there, and you can’t see in it!”


“yeah,     i went to see them back in high school.     what?      oh,     they were /beautiful/!     what’s wrong with a little bit of open water?”
            * @PuttinOnTheFoil *