
Hej!! :) I recently got a computer so now I should be writing more!! I just published a new oneshot chapter so.. I hope you enjoy!!


Hej hej!!! I posted my first oneshot chapter in awhile about a stormy night with Simon and Wilhelm. I hope you enjoy because I haven’t written in awhile. I will probably return to posting oneshots now and continue writing my novel because I haven’t done either lately. Thank you for the support!
          Jag älskar dig!! <3


Hej! I don’t know when my next oneshot will be posted because I’ve been working on my wilmon story. I’m not sure when I’ll post again but, just know that I am going to finish the novel/novella before I post it. Maybe I’ll get to some oneshots soon but idk <3 thanks for the support!


Hello, everyone! Sorry for not posting much but, I just released a new story. It’s the description of each Young Royals episode. There is only one episode up currently but, I am working on the rest of them! So expect those and maybe a new oneshot soon?! :D


Yes! Thanks for the idea<3!


Could u do one where wilhelm has a panic attack and Eric helps him through it 