My real name is Mekalea Hoover And I love star wars I don't know what I would do without star wars. I do also like mystery stories and I enjoy writing a create my own little world for my characters to live in. I am 16 almost 17 and  Love wattpad because I get to see how people like my stories.
  • انضمMarch 11, 2015

قصص بقلم AsAp Kalea
finding your Past بقلم sith1999
finding your Past
I ment this boy i want to find the past life of him. He is a vampire i never thought i would see one but i wi...
+2 أكثر
The  story of Mal بقلم sith1999
The story of Mal
Hello, My name is Mal and your probably wondering why I'm not in school. I couldn't catch the bus this mornin...
1 قائمة قراءة