Why do I seem to have no inspiration to write at all? I need to update EISNSTD. AAGGGHH!!!!
Oh, and remember the last rewind chapter where Mike and Alison watch paper towns. Well I hadn't seen it when I wrote it but I LOVE the book. I got the movie edition a couple of days ago (had to regular book for quite a while now) and today I got the movie. I saw it and it's amazing. I may or may have not have an obsession with it and I may or may have not have "visit Agloe, New York preferbly (spelled wrong IK) with a road trip and some amazing friends" added to my Bucket list. Thought I let you know even though you might not care.
I love you all. ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Oh by the way, sorry if you get annoyed by these just tell me and I'll put the notification thingy off.