
Hello, i hope you all are having great day or night. Uhm...i don't know why, but I've started to write another story. It's called 'Reality' and uhm, yeah, check it out. 
          	I've also been seeing the comments under 'Owned by Four' and don't worry, you will all get your update soon. 
          	Until then, stay safe ♥️


I’m excited 


Hiii......i just wanna say i loooooove your work like soo freaking much.....and also when will owned by 4 be updated its amaizing, can't wait to read it❤❤❤❤


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Hun!!!!!!!!! Please finish owned by 4!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m freaking out about what’s going to happen!!!!!!!!!!! I absolutely LOVE THIS BOOK SO FUCKING MUCH!!!!!!!! DON’T LEAVE ME HANGING!!!!!!!!! I GOTTA KNOW WHAT HAPPENS AND IF RYDER AND DORIAN ACTUALLY GET TOGETHER!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!! I’M DYING HERE NOT KNOWING!!!!!!!!!!! btw…….I LOVE YOUR WORK YOU’RE AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!


@skweeque Hiiiii. I'm really happy that you love my work. I'll try to update as soon as possible. School work is killing me but I'll have a charter up soon 