well hello there :) make yourself comfortable you'll be staying for awhile I assure you. 

If "keep reading to find out" was a person.. you have stumbled upon them...them is me. You get that right?

Moving on! Keep up and don't fall behind because i am not a huge fan of "never leave a man behind" especially when they are slowing me down. But of course not you all. I somehow tolerate you all.

Now what else...oh yes indeed! I will not be giving away my Identify just yet. Mysteries are the joy of life and I'm forcing you to live in it unfortunately for the time being. I'm sure just by reading this you have come up with a particular person in your head. Let me assure you: it is wrong.

Now the only detail I will share is that I am a writer, and possibly the most passionate writer you will ever discover. I write things I want to read when I'm reading other books on this app (and reading through the comments of course which do give me ...quite a bit of joy if I do add.) And I do not write what people want to see because it's called : PREDICTABLE. I despise predicting endings and being correct. Enrages me.

That being discussed thank you for joining me on my writing journey I have not created a name for all of my followers (I have none by the way) but hopefully with time ..that will change.

Anyhoo I love you all, and I best let you know that I am surely not as mean as any of this sounded.

With all of the -very little- information that is needed out of the way enjoy my books.

Welcome to my world, the only rule is to shut up and read.

So do that.
  • IscrittoNovember 6, 2017

1 Elenco di lettura