
Hello, how about you? I would like to know if you would let me translate your story. I was reading it and I really loved it. You are a great writer and I would love for you to give me the opportunity to translate your story. I am Mexican and I think you would love it more than other people. they knew your story


Yes of course - that would be fine :) 


Your stories are so precious and captivating! I've basically inhaled them all in the last couple of days and I love how every one of them has a slightly different feel to them. I've seen that you haven't published anything in a while, but should you ever post a new story you'll definitely have an avid reader in me ;)


Thank you so much! I’m really glad you enjoyed them! I don’t sadly get enough time to write these days - life seems to get in the way - but I shall endeavour to post another within the next few months.  Thank you again for your kind words - they make me want to write again! Love Jules xx


I don't know if you still write but you are an AMAZING writer, I've loved every book I've read from you. ❤ 


Great newsss.. waiting for it 


Oh thank you so very much.  Unfortunately I’ve little time of late to write anymore but I shall as soon as I can - I’ve a number of stories partially written so shall work on finishing them when I have the time.  Thank you once more for your kind comments - it makes the hours of writing so worthwhile.  Take care and watch out for so more releases in the future.  Regards JR x


When's the new story cominggg 


Don’t know love.  Have been so busy.  Maybe I’ll write another short Christmas one if I have time x


Your stories are beautiful... especially "TOGETHER" 
          I always wanted Severus Snape to get his own happy ending and reading all these beautiful stories where he finally is happy and loved make me so happy..thank you


Oh I’m so glad you enjoyed them! Thank you so much :) I don’t think I could write a Snamione where Severus doesn’t have a Happy Ever After! I’ve almost finished my next story and all being well it’ll be posted in a week or two.  Thank you once again for your kind words.  Take care JR. X


Hello.. are you still writing something? Its been a while and i legit get 0 notifications.. i was wondering since i wanted to read more of your stories.. lol 


Im okay.. as okay as I can be in this coronavirus situation obv.. hope you are doing good in other aspects of life as well lol 


Lol okay glad ur fine.. my notifications also work pretty bad lately so I thought maybe i missed it lmao.. thats a stylish title btw 


PS - I think it’s title will be ‘The Curse & The Cure’ :) 


Hello can I just give you praise and props on your stories!!! 
          I think I read almost all of your Severus and Hermonie  stories and I just love them!!! You truly captured the character in how JK Rowling would’ve. They were a joy to read(: 
          I loved your Severus and how in the end he is the best father ever!! I can totally see that. Anyway wanted to praise you because I truly did enjoy your books from beginning to end, Thank you!!! 


How lovely of you to say so.  Thank you so much.  I enjoy receiving people’s feedback as much as I enjoy writing the stories so it’s greatly appreciated.  Many thanks indeed. I’m nearly finished on another story and hope it will be posted within the next week or two :) xx


Hi, I wanna ask you permission to translate marriage of inconvenience in Italian cause I think this story it's sooo beautiful and Italian people will appreciate it, tell me if u agree, so much love.


Of course!! Thank you so much xxx