
          	I WAS REWATCHING THE END CLIP OF CROFTERS THE MUSICAL AND LOGAN SAID "Puns are like my figurative forbidden fruit- spread." AND THEN HE COVERED HIS MOUTH. I DONT KNOW IF ANYONE ELSE HAS NOTICED BUT MY GOD!!! So I have yet another reason to beleive Logan will be or already is good friends with Remus. After all the duke does say a lot of rare facts, they're disturbing but they are still facts. Plus Logan isnt bothered and seems to be quite used to him.


@Imjustchillin66 I know right?!? I was watching the end clips and as soon as he said it I literally gasped and my cousin looked at me like I was crazy


          I WAS REWATCHING THE END CLIP OF CROFTERS THE MUSICAL AND LOGAN SAID "Puns are like my figurative forbidden fruit- spread." AND THEN HE COVERED HIS MOUTH. I DONT KNOW IF ANYONE ELSE HAS NOTICED BUT MY GOD!!! So I have yet another reason to beleive Logan will be or already is good friends with Remus. After all the duke does say a lot of rare facts, they're disturbing but they are still facts. Plus Logan isnt bothered and seems to be quite used to him.


@Imjustchillin66 I know right?!? I was watching the end clips and as soon as he said it I literally gasped and my cousin looked at me like I was crazy


questo messaggio potrebbe essere offensivo
For some reason I imagined the dark sides as Markiplier, Tyler, and Ethan.....
          Remus: Introducing Janus! The snakey side! And Virgil, the anxious side. Together they make Anxiet!
          Janus&Virgil: NOOOOO
          Janus: I am a man who owns 4 ovens!
          Virgil: Also the toaster oven.
          Janus: I am a man who owns 5 ovens!!!
          Virgil: There was chocolate this whole.... *slams can down on table* FUCK!!!!
          Virgil: *About to throw batter at Janus*
          Janus: Dont you dare put that back it your bowl biatch....
          Virgil: I wanted to make Patton a birthday cake, did you have a birthday cake?
          Patton: I didnt have a birthday cake.
          Virgil: Oh well you do now!
          Remus: Pandering!
          Virgil: Pandering! You know Pat loves America!