
damn this account do be kinda dead tho.


Back on this account for the first time in a w h i l e and the amount of anime accounts I followed that have completely converted into kpop is so funny to me. 
          How are you guys, I wanna know!!  
          Kyle <3


@sodapoppeach oh what a peach! ( I love that we're having multiple conversations rn) I'm okay, I lost someone very special to me recently so the holidays are gonna be a little rough but overall, I'm okay. Thanks for asking, love!!


@sodapoppeach good. How r u? Glad to have u back


Hello! Can I have a cover request? Please? If so, message me ASAP 


@imbored360 np! Message, sent. Check your dm's my guy


          Alright, I'm about to edit the last couple chapters of 'Playing With Fire'. I know I said I would do it Wednesday but I ended being hella busy so I'm doing now.
          Also, in my latest [a/n], I announced that I would prefer to change and continue the story with an oc instead of x-reader. I haven't gotten too many responses with opinions on said decision. If you haven't expressed which you would prefer, please do so in the chapter!!!
          (If you're wondering why I'm editing the chapters and then changing the format, it's because I want to get a good setup first so that I don't procrastinate. If there's too much for me to do, I'll never get around to doing it with this sort of thing.)
          Lastly, in the same [a/n] there is a q+a. I've been wanting to do this for a little while so you guys can get to know me and so far I've gotten 0 questions (wink wink, nudge nudge). 
          I hope you have a lovely evening and I purple you!


@sodapoppeach thanks for the reply, love!