
I occasionally go back on my Wattpad account because... I actually don’t know why. However, I do remember I met some cool people there. So I’m just curious. What are you guys up to now? How’s life? What are your interests now? Do you have a job? Favorite band/ artists? Do you still write? 
          	So yeah, I’m just curious! I wonder how many people will come back here trying not to cringe at their account 


I occasionally go back on my Wattpad account because... I actually don’t know why. However, I do remember I met some cool people there. So I’m just curious. What are you guys up to now? How’s life? What are your interests now? Do you have a job? Favorite band/ artists? Do you still write? 
          So yeah, I’m just curious! I wonder how many people will come back here trying not to cringe at their account 


T'est tu canadienne? 
          Pq... Tim Hortons (^‿^✿)


@Official_Bleach hein? Mais Ontario c'est pas une ville..
            Meuh non c'est Montréal bien sûr!


            Quelle est la première?Random guess,je dis...Ottawa ou...Ontario


@Official_Bleach  j'suis allée une fois vite vite à Québec mais Toronto c'est ma deuxième ville canadienne favorite