Hey lover of Fandoms!!! I was wondering if you could help me with my stories?
Simply just read a single chapter of one of my stories an then give me some feedback?!?!?
I feel like feedback would help me continue to write and help me determine what I should do within the story!
Thanks a million!!!
Thank you for following me!
I just have one question.
I'm assuming that from ur profilepic that u like Star Wars, sooooooo....
Sith or Jedi?
(I would be Sith. 'cos u know lightning and red dual lightsabers. #DarthMaulRules but be on the good side. If that makes any sense.)
Totally a Jedi. That way I could secretly be a Jedi and still be a sith. And I would always cary a red light saber saying that it was the only back up I had.
I saw your pic. ... I stopped at Elvis Presley... I am now sure... you... are... a... BOSS!!!!!!!!! that an awesome profile pic... and AWESOME music taste!!! you are now my new best friend!!!
Not to sound creepy, but where have you been all my life? I love plays! To see one of Shakespeare's plays is my dream! AND OMG I am a Bon Jovi fan too!