
Chapter 7 of the Monarch is out!! I hope you enjoy it <3 


Thank you so much for 3k reads on the Monarch!! 
          Currently knees deep in the next update but if you ever want sneak peaks for what I'm writing/what's coming next, check out my Tumblr (astrodevils). All I think about is Emilia and Bellamy so I needed a place to ramble 


nothing brings out my 2022 hater era quicker than seeing people fancast older version/siblings and have them be different ethnicities. 
          fanfic writers, i beg you to look up your face claims' ethnicities. Just bc hollywood makes a half Chinese person related to a fully Japanese person, doesn't mean you should. Just bc Maia Reficco is latina doesn't mean you make Jessica Alba her older version. JESSICA ALBA IS HALF MEXICAN AND MAIA IS FULLY ARGENTINIAN 


@ultrapunks // yup!! people really don't care that they're playing into racist stereotypes 


no literally like google is right there people are just LAZY. if youre gonna put effort into writing a fic put in the bare minimum effort of casting appropriately 


"Its just a fanfic" what if i nuked the earth rn. yes there are bigger things to worry abt but yall are feeding into racism by trying to mush different ethic groups together


I actually lied. The little worm in my head has me convinced if I post this chapter everyone will hate it and I will hate it, so I need time to reflect. Fortunately, it's my spring break so the goal is to get ahead and/or double update next Saturday. 
          I promise I will keep you guys updated, sorry for no new chapter </3 




@ worm come outside bro i SWEAR we aint gonna jump you 


I love writing until it annoys me! And it is currently pissing me off i fear.
          My worst writing enemy is writing action with dialogue. It always gets repetitive and feels simultaneously important and unnecessary. Its the film nerd in me to incorporate movement with speech. 
          Next to that is writing internal dialogue in between dialogue. Like the character is thinking about what was just said but you can't have too much thought or else it takes it out of the scene, you also don't want too little/none at all or else it basically becomes a script (then it goes back to hating action with dialogue)
          This is my cue to go tf to bed


@sunkissed-poet i’ve been in my procrastination era too i fear. consistency keeps me locked in but can also create resentment towards what im writing if im unhappy with it… but then procrastination/ breaking gives me writers block. the cycle never ends until i force my way through it and everything clicks (and then repeats til death) 


@lovelymxt // no cause the way I always have "physical description of x emotion" on hand and i still get repetitive. I truly wish every day was a good writing day cause I will reread my previous pieces and be like "how tf did I write this so easily???"


@sunkissed-poet bro bro bro you explained this struggle so perfectly it’s actually insane. On good days it will all be flowing well, but majority of the time Im js sat there like. “She nodded” “she smiled” “she shrugged” FREE MEEEEE


I forgot to mention this in the author's note of chapter 5 but I've decided The Beach by the Neighborhood is officially Bellamy and Emilia's song for act 1 and half of act 2. It encapsulates their entire relationship so well, it actually pains me.
          Also, one day I plan on sharing the link to the Spotify Playlist however it's literally 9hrs long and incredible unorganized. And that's only the songs I relate to act 1 and 2 so...


          Just popped in here because I saw you had a The Last of us fanfic. Just thought you should know that the write or one of the writers is Israeli. I have also seen some things on how the infected are based on Palestinians... although I'm not entirely sure that is true it wouldn't surprise me. 


@MangoMischief // yes, i do know this! I believe I addressed it in the fic (i may be wrong tho, its been a while). From my understanding the main creator was born and raised in Israel and based the background conflict in part 2 off the genocide. I do not by any means support him! I enjoy the story but I refuse to give him my money or HBO my view on the show. Thank you for bringing this up <3