
I am a little busy. It would take a while to post the next chapter. I apologise. 


@suxana_jasly Waiting for Next Chapter Plz


@suxana_jasly just wanna appreciate your talent loving the story as it is hope you rekindle them with the most amazing plot you are a great writer


I am a little busy. It would take a while to post the next chapter. I apologise. 


@suxana_jasly Waiting for Next Chapter Plz


@suxana_jasly just wanna appreciate your talent loving the story as it is hope you rekindle them with the most amazing plot you are a great writer


Read the last message first, then come to this-
          When you write those comments, it really demotivates me, I might just stop writing someday. Now, when it comes to uploading late and stuff, mind your tone on it a bit, I haven't said anything about it, infact I gave you reasons why I was posting late, but you just don't care. I get it posting late breaks your interest, and how you feel about it, I know and I am really really sorry about that, but I have a life too. It might take you 5 minutes to read, but it takes me 2 to 3 days to write the chapters with so much details. I am really busy with my life, I study, I work, people have literally left wattpad, I still try to update you now and then. Dont say things like that, it really hurts me. I am spending so much of my time in writing for you, a very few audience who are still left, yet you are blaming me. When I see your bad comments it really breaks my spirit to write ever again, please don't do that. And vice versa, I really want you guys to comment good things, about the story, the storyline, comment on what is happening, how you like the characters, their behaviours and everything, really MOTIVATES ME. People used to do that before. Just do it for my sake. And I will be back with wonderful chapters for you. Just trust me. Uploaded a chapter today, you will get another one tomorrow. I would be really really happy if you guys could promote my story on your jasly fan pages, it will motivate me if more people will read and comment, otherwise, it feels like I am wasting my time, I writing but no one's responding, but when they do they just picks out flaws in my writing. Thats really heart breaking. But I still love you guys for being with me. I hope to get the same love back. See you soon.


@suxana_jasly Waiting for Next Chapter Plz


@suxana_jasly Waiting for Next Chapter plz


@suxana_jasly Waiting for Next Chapter Plz


So hey guys, I am here with a very demotivated heart now, I really gave this story my heart and soul. I don't know why I am still needing to explain it to over and over again. When I initiated writing the story my goal was this, separation, sadness, heartbreak, to explore more into JasLy's life and how they deal with their love. Still, I ended u writing 60 chapters of them together, JUST BECAUSE YOU WANTED. 
          But recently you guys have acted up once again. You are saying this is boring and everything, good things take time. Listen, I don't know how to say this, but this is how I have envisioned it. I showed you their love and now a period where they are not together anymore. I am trying to kee my calm as I write this wonderful story, but if you guys keep demotivating me, saying it's boring, no storyline, so lengthy, just end it and stuff like that, it really questions my skills as a writer. Would you really like it if I separated them and then rekindled their relationship just in the next chapter? Is this a joke? You should see the ups and downs they are facing. YOU JUST WANT THEM TOGETHER, IT'S A STORY FOR GOD'S SAKE. You have no idea how I have made up the story in my mind, it's wonderful, I am saying it again, it's a whole movie, just grab your tissues and have patience. And saying it once again, this is how I write, this is my trope, don't question it, you don't like anything you can say it, your opinion is welcome, but don't question mine. I am trying my best to put up my best piece for you all. I know the story is going quite slow, but isn't that the case with rea life anyways? I try to write with as much resemblance as I can with reality, who really gets problems in every chapter of their life? Just stick with me, I promise to not to disappoint you, trust me, I still want to write a bunch of chapters, it will be slow for a while, let the ongoing storyline sink in, I will bring a lot of twists. Just be with me please, don't comment demotivating things...


I apologise for the delay guys! I am in Bangladesh and the internet here was completely cut off for almost a week now. I have been writing for you guys, got access to a few apps today (except social medias), and the first thing I did is post a chapter.
          I have not been able to check with Jasly since a week now, I heard Jasmin had been in an eye accident. Can someone tell me in detail what happened? I am really curious and worried. Tell me what has been going on, anything Aly said to that on media or anything? Don’t miss any little detail please. Then,
          You will get a new chapter tomorrow!!
          Thank you for your patience, love you, babye.


@suxana_jasly You are from Bangladesh?


@suxana_jasly She went for an event, just before the event when she was getting ready by mistake she put the already used lenses into her eyes which caused sudden pain irritation in eyes and slight loss of vision. She somehow attended the event wearing shades but due to unbearable pain rushed to medical help. Doctor bandaged her eyes and then she couldn't see anything. With her team and managers help she reached Mumbai and them Aly handled everything. She is recovering now.


          Update guys-
          -- My exams end on the 6th, bear with me till then. You will get two chapters next week. Thank you. Sorry to keep you waiting.


@suxana_jasly Waiting for Next Chapter Plz Give it to us Soon 


@suxana_jasly could you pls tell on which day will you upload and if regularly or not. You just upload when you feel like. We people are also waiting here for you to upload atleast think once about us you have left us on the peak of the story now if you are a writer you would know how it feels reading one one chap that too after such long breaks!


@suxana_jasly Eagerly Waiting for Next Chapter we are Waiting for Next Update 


Readers with FPs:
          If you don't mind, can you promote my story on your fp on social media? Or if you know anyone who can?
          As you guys know, a lot of readers are no longer on wattpad due to inactivity of writers. I know how much of a fan each one of you still are. However, I am still writing and continuing a brilliant plot, so I do not want to keep any of the fans deprived of any of this. It would be really great if you let the others know about this story. This will also result in higher engagement which is higher motivation for me to write. Hope you will try. Let me know here. Drop any questions.


          vote and do not leave without a comment. 
          -do not miss the music added in the chapter.
          I adore you guys. 


@suxana_jasly eagerly waiting for the next chapter 