
Hey I was just wo dering if your ever going to update your my best friends brother and I hate you cause it's such a great book and I would love to read the rest of the book so I was hoping you havent forgotten or given up on the book :C


@MysticalLove omg i totally read this and at first i thought you had done this for everyone and then realized this is just for me:D and that was AWSOME to see that you truly notice and apritciate that i became a fan but i mean how couldnt i im a huge fan you totally rock as an author id love to get the chance to chat with you as well.... i love chatting with the authors of my fav books kinda make reading the story more special since i talked to the AUTHOR!!!!!!! so i look forward to that and well no i didnt fan you for your rhyming skills i fanned you for you utter talent at writing and if you call that crappy rhyming youll think im the biggest disgrace to a rhymer LOL


@FavaxDaxBBN  Im so glad that my comment made you feel better ive had those days when im truly sad or got in a fight with someone important to me and then i come on wattpad and someone either left me a message or dedicated a chapter for me or just uploaded on a chapter it really makes me feel so happy i forget about my problems....and i huess not knowing where your going with it working for ya :P keep up the GREAT work <3