
          	I've left this account to gather dust. Wow
          	Anyways, if there is a slim chance that someone who follows me sees this, and reads these. I'm moving accounts. Maybe
          	It'll take me a bit, but you know. It's whatever. Ummm. Yeah??
          	What else? I'll come here and comment on the new account when I do make it so. Yes yes
          	That's all. I think


This is my new account. So, if you want to, come on over. Umm, I may or may not end up forgetting about this account as well but we shall see


          I've left this account to gather dust. Wow
          Anyways, if there is a slim chance that someone who follows me sees this, and reads these. I'm moving accounts. Maybe
          It'll take me a bit, but you know. It's whatever. Ummm. Yeah??
          What else? I'll come here and comment on the new account when I do make it so. Yes yes
          That's all. I think


This is my new account. So, if you want to, come on over. Umm, I may or may not end up forgetting about this account as well but we shall see


          In case anyone is wondering, there will be a sequel to The Hidden Locket and I'm writing it at the moment. I won't be posting chapters for a while because I'm busy with school and everything, and I've been getting writers block a lot lately. So uh, that's about it.
          Oh! If you need to ask any questions go ahead, I'll try to answer.


Story Updates for those who wish to know!
          In case anyone is interested in knowing about The Hidden Locket rewrite, I just wanted to say that I'm writing ahead of where the book is on my profile. I'm currently writing Chapter 12 but I know that I've only published a few chapters.
          If you want to know about the sequel to the story above, I'm going to restart it so it matches up with what I'm writing at the moment. It might take me a while to actually get around to writing it and I have a plan for another story after it already.
          As for The Games, there might be a few people wondering when I'll get back to it. I'm sorry but whoever is reading it will have to wait until I've finished the first three books.
          Last and final thing, I know my stories are all over the place and everything's a mess so I thought an update of sorts would be good. If you want to know about something feel free to ask.
          P.S. Sorry if I annoyed you by announcing this!


I haven't really posted any new chapters or anything since I finished The Hidden Locket, and it's kinda because I'm focusing on the rewrite. I did have school but now it's the holidays so I can focus more on it, I don't really want to post the rewrite until I've read through the entire thing, just in case I miss something or something doesn't make sense. So until then, I don't think I'll be posting anything new. I might though, maybe a few paragraphs to a different story I'm working on.
          Dunno if someone will read this, but there's an explanation if someone is curious. So


I don't know if anyone really cares, if you don't that's fine. But I just wanted to say, that the rewrite I'm doing for The Hidden Locket, when it comes to the chapters, they are probably going to be longer. So, like a novel.
          P.S. If you're reading this, I hope you're doing well, you know, because of recent events. I dunno man, was that cringy and awkward? I tend to do that