Didn't see your message before that's it's a German Short-hair pointer, I read your bio, I also love Skyrim, I'm level 43, have ebony armor, have every single add-on. All my friends have Skyrim also so whenever we are all on Xbox-live we either play GTA V online, or we all play Skyrim and talk about our world. I used to be dominating my friends but now they are catching up. Just saying you can't be a nerd if you play video games. I know a lot of girls that play video games, like my sister, she plays Call Of Duty Black Ops 2 Zombies and she's not a freak or a nerd. She has even been asked out by boys. So don't call yourself a nerd. You may think you are but things that you do to make you think that youre a nerd is just something boys or girls do.