
So I have been looking The votes for ‘You tell me’ and I just realised that someone has TAKEN OFF  votes so... 13 VOTES TO 400


HEY YALL WE REACHED 200 VITES ON ‘You tell me’ as well as 7k reads, I just want to say thank you for reading the book and that I will post a new chapter soon. I am currently editing the old ones, improving the writing and making the chapters longer! Will have new chapters sooon


New book in the process, the first chapter to be posted on the 15th of this month on Wattpad. Thanks to  @Lauren_Aileen for making this beautiful cover.


@ supercorp_camren33  you're welcome!!!


@ supercorp_camren33  please, it's my pleasure to help! Wish you the best on this New project! 


Hi guys so I've had a writers block for all my books and me being me I have decided to start a new one. If anyone knows anyone who makes book covers please let me know I would really love it if someone made a manip cover I'm really bad at doing them. As soon as I have a cover I will start posting the chapters, 
          Thanks you guyss


@ Tazumin1  thanks for the recommendation! 


@Tazumin1 okay thank you for the suggestion I will contact them.


And there is someone else called @misslane on Twitter I think


Hi guys, all of my books right now are in progress and i have Supercorp and Camren books. The Spanish books do better than the english and still the Supercorp books do a lot better than the Camren ones especially now that the Camren fandom is not as strong. My idea is to unpublish the Camren books and turn them into Supercorp books instead. If anyone doesn't want me to do this please tell me and i won't. Thanks for reading guys, I'll have an update soon!