
It is to be said, that we all were born to be used and used again.  But it is never said of our endurance to it. With no realization made and boundaries crossed daily we become blind to it and our generosity becomes taken advantage of. Not just that but our personality becomes drained and all to soon we sit alone mulling over all that went wrong and wondering when we allowed ourselves to fall to the level we currently sit. Sit, sit, sitting like a useless camera battery to charge again until someone new comes along and makes pleasant conversation that turns down a long and twisted road of self hate and self-pity and you find yourself comforting them, giving them all you have because you've replenished your goal once again without knowing it. To be used and used again.


It is to be said, that we all were born to be used and used again.  But it is never said of our endurance to it. With no realization made and boundaries crossed daily we become blind to it and our generosity becomes taken advantage of. Not just that but our personality becomes drained and all to soon we sit alone mulling over all that went wrong and wondering when we allowed ourselves to fall to the level we currently sit. Sit, sit, sitting like a useless camera battery to charge again until someone new comes along and makes pleasant conversation that turns down a long and twisted road of self hate and self-pity and you find yourself comforting them, giving them all you have because you've replenished your goal once again without knowing it. To be used and used again.