Terry Turnipseed's story begins in Jackson, MS, and unfolds into an inspiring tale of perseverance and lifelong learning. Currently residing in Delray Beach, FL, he excels as the Vice President of Estate Planning and Asset Protection at Neil Jesani Advisors. This position reflects his admirable qualities and professional commitment.

Terry's dedication to education is evident in his impressive academic accomplishments. He not only earned an LL.M. in Taxation, cum laude, and a J.D. from Georgetown University but also completed two graduate degrees from MIT in Nuclear Engineering and Technology & Policy. These achievements speak volumes of his intellectual curiosity and commitment to academic excellence. His educational journey commenced at Mississippi State University, where he graduated summa cum laude in Nuclear Engineering. Recognized early on for his intellectual prowess, he was honoured as a Harry S. Truman Memorial Scholar and distinguished as an Engineering Fellow.

Before his current role at Neil Jesani Advisors, Turnipseed significantly impacted the academic world. For 18 years, he dedicated himself to teaching as a Law, Engineering, and Computer Science Professor. Terry Turnipseed's approach to education extended beyond traditional teaching methods, emphasizing a combination of theoretical exploration and practical application. This blend of professionalism and diligence became the cornerstone of his successful academic career.

Transitioning from academia, Terry L Turnipseed applied these same principles at Neil Jesani Advisors, servicing high-net-worth clients. His expertise in advanced estate planning techniques such as GRATs, CLATs, CRUTs, FLLCs, and more showcases his comprehensive understanding and professional competency in this complex field. In addition, his role as a respected author, writing extensively on legal and financial topics, has led to numerous media appearances, including in Newsweek, Fox News Network, and the New York Daily News.
  • Delray Beach, Florida
  • JoinedNovember 17, 2023

Story by Terry Turnipseed
Terry Turnipseed: A Journey of Excellence and Dedication by terryturnipseed
Terry Turnipseed: A Journey of Exc...
Terry Turnipseed's journey is one of extraordinary accomplishments and relentless dedication. Born in Jackson...
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