UPDATE! I've (Astoria) come to deliver a message from Daylighter today, because she's been unavailable to do anything for about the past week and a half - here it is:
"OMG YALL IM SO BEHIND!!! Alright, so I sent this to Astoria for her to explain some things. I had to come up with this really quick because I'm about to have a soccer game, and a round of marching band tryouts, plus I just got home from a school Disney trip and two soccer games yesterday- MYLEGSAREDYINGHELP!!! Anyways, I've been so busy lately and my original thoughts when I signed up to help judge these contests was without a doubt able for me to do... At the time. Now that I've hit the dreaded error screen once again, and I'm back at soccer with physical therapy, I've become unable and I'm so sorry- I never in a million years thought my life would be this crowded. (Literally and figuratively unfortunately) So I'm sorry. The saddest thing about it for me was that I read the books I was supposed to judge before all this happened and then I couldn't put the scores in in time- CUE THE HEAD BANGING ON TABLE OUT OF FRUSTRATION- I'm trying my best to catch up, and so is Astoria here. Just remember, don't shoot the messenger- Loveyall!!! Keep in touch!! <333"