
Hewo Bakers, Beans and Stars! ;v; I apologize for the sudden disappearance. You can probably tell, but I absolutely did not see this coming so my last updated chapter was like: hohoho can't wait for you guys to read the chapter next week on Wax. 
          	I was also locked out of my Instagram account for a bit and this left me in quite the dilemma--I couldn't really find a way to tell the Beans patiently waiting for Leroy and Vanilla to get it on (HAHA) that I was going to be away for a while and thus left you guys hanging. I'm so so sorry! Thank you for being patient. 
          	It's a long story, so I won't say it here but the gist is I am back and I will be updating Wax tomorrow with the long awaited chapter HEHE. My chapters go up at the same time as always: 11pm GMT+8 on Sundays. That's 11AM EDT. 
          	I am also planning to publish Brave Love (homigawd Cupipe, FINALLY) by mid September in celebration of Chip's birthday ;v; I'm going at it wit 100% but I don't know for sure if that's enough but I will definitely make it happen!! Thank you so much for being patient. Hopefully, I'll be able to get the whole trilogy out by the end of this year. 
          	Thank you so so much for waiting, for staying, if you do. And if you're new, welcome ^0^/


@theCuppedCake I came back after many years, only to still find how much your stories have weighed on my heart ;-; I love them so much. I read finished the whole Baked Love series again, (which made me cry).  I look forward to having my heart torn and rebuild with your other stories! ;-;


@theCuppedCake I just got back to wattpad after 4 years and your stories have been so memorable to me. absolutely stoked to see your words published :")


hey Cuppie, i've been rereading your books for years because they always give me comfort. after finishing Wax, i noticed you haven't been active after coming back and we all miss you very much ; ^ ; i hope you're doing fine and please come back so we know you're okayyy


Hi author you're such an inspiration! Please allow me to plug my story here. If anyone is interested with a tagalog Romance BL novel then my work is just suited for you. Please check it out.
          Click the link below. And please please please leave a vote if you like my story because it motivates me and I would appreciate it so much. Thank youuuuuuuuuu