
Currently working on a Charlie Conway fic. I also created a new tt acc dedicated to this Wattpad page so please go and follow @fluvrss on TikTok!!!


Long story short some teachers who were just leaving saw us and asked what happened and when we told them they got the people who got off the bus taxis if the parents couldn’t pick them up. But my friends mum who told her to open the emergency door came and went off her head at the driver. The teachers banned her from the school for being a “danger to kids” which is ridiculous since the real danger was driving the bus again THIS MORNING!!! also when we got on the bus he was taking pictures of us all which is creepy af. Then there were rumours that my friend who opened the emergency exit broke it and was getting charged and suspended from school which turned out to me bs. Then today during French we got interviewed by the deputy head and campus cop and they said “it was probably distracting for the driver so that why he came back but it was still out of order for him to do” which set me off so my mum picked me up from school during second period and took me out for breakfast. I hate the school system and bus drivers  (pt. 2)


Story time about how I almost got kidnapped yesterday: so basically I was on the school bus and this boy I’m friends with was running up and down to the bus driver started to yell and forced him to sit at the front so he did. It was fine until he turned and started going the wrong way and once we caught on we were yelling at him to stop but he didn’t and claimed there was roadblocks (there was not) and not to worry. The bus driver drove us back to the school and locked us in the bus with no air con and the windows wouldn’t open. By this point people were crying and my friend had phoned her mum who told her to look for an emergency exit and then open it so she did. Some people got off the bus but the people who didn’t want to get in trouble stayed on. (Pt.1)