I'm a weird potato
  • InscritJuly 25, 2015

Histoires par thehurtbutterfly
Losing you slowly  Starting from day one.         (Yumikuri) par thehurtbutterfly
Losing you slowly Starting from d...
(Ymikuri) fan fic I remember when I was younger and could see the stars in the sky and the sun printing on my...
ranking #26 dans la catégorie yumikuri Voir tous les classements
Paper cranes ( Eren x Levi ) par thehurtbutterfly
Paper cranes ( Eren x Levi )
A one shot about Eren breaking up with Levi because he's sick and thinks it better not to tell him. I do not...
Tokyo ghoul (you truly are my hero) par thehurtbutterfly
Tokyo ghoul (you truly are my hero)
This was a thing I had to write for school and I really like it but it's based on Tokyo ghoul I've changed na...
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