How old do you think Linnea Robyn, aka SERENEILLUSIONS, the author of TREACHEROUS is? One person decided to intelligently and constructively criticize her ridiculous habit of “updating after a long time” by re-releasing the same old chapters. She claims it’s to remind readers of the story—as if we’re all too stupid to remember after reading her chapters 24/7. It’s a weak tactic to generate hype. When I pointed out she didn’t need to pull this stunt and should just write a proper update, she threw a tantrum, posting long, dramatic messages, only to delete everything when I left her on seen. Then she had the nerve to say, “It’s a bad idea coming back here,” acting like she hadn’t abandoned her hundreds of readers again. Clearly, the truth hit her like a knife, because I addressed the elephant in the room, and she couldn’t handle it. How foolish of her to leave her readers hanging over one person’s critique. I’m just glad I left that weak story before she could block me.