Hey guys, just published chapter three of Amor's Ambivalence! It's pretty short but I really liked this one. Again, thanks for all the support on the previous chapters and hope you enjoy!
Hey guys, just published chapter three of Amor's Ambivalence! It's pretty short but I really liked this one. Again, thanks for all the support on the previous chapters and hope you enjoy!
Hey everyone! Since I've been putting the book on hold for the last few weeks, I decided to publish one of my short stories (notice the word short, 'cause she sure is tiny) Still, it'd mean a lot to me if you all checked it out and let me know what you think and if I should write more :)
Best wishes,
I hope you all know that I’m ruining my sleeping schedule for you. Every time I’m close to falling asleep I get a great idea for a scene. At this rate, the new chapter will probably be up by the end of this weekend, maybe even sooner. All I can say, is you guys are in for a real treat and I’m probably going to fail my APUSH exam because of it.
Good luck to everyone taking exams, I’ll see you on the other side.
Hey guys!
I’m happy to announce that the first chapter of my book, The Aeros Chronicles: A Fallen Star, is up for you all to read! I’ve been waiting a long time to write this story and I’m proud to see it take its first steps tonight, aka the perfect time to fly a kite! Don’t know what I’m talking about? Check out the first chapter and find out for yourself!