So I was doing that thing where I go through my account, weeding out the cringy content that I now realize is absolute garbage, and I came across a little number called My Kitchen Smells Like Blood and Coffee. Let me just say, I couldn't begin to tell y'all everything that was wrong with it, political correctness and writing style included. In conclusion, I did some editing because I liked the ending of the poem enough to not get rid of it entirely and reposted it, but I'm super sorry if anyone read the old version and gone "who the hell does she think she is" and got angry at my insensitivity. I will do better, I promise! in other news, I have a good 60% done on "She Was Different" and I'm also hoping to publish an Avengers Christmas fanfic due to that good ol' Endgame depression settling in. See you soon cupcakes, Merry Christmas!!!!