dancer, explorer, coffee drinker, romantic

Stories based on.....

Renee - R.K. ( femme fatale, dark hair and eyes, emotionally avoidant, workaholic )
Coming down again - M.D. ( hazel eyes, blonde hair, soft voice, optimism, loving )
Chips, ahoy! - F.C. ( charming, blue eyes and blond hair , lots of other girls )
Loretta - J.H. ( meek, deep voice, brown eyes, blonde hair, forbidden love )
Leather jacket - B.Y. ( cutting, blonde hair, blue eyes, affair )
August - K.D. ( gentle, hazel eyes, blond hair, sarcastic, sleepy )

Royalty - G.T. ( shy, brown eyes, brown hair, old friend, fall out. )
Mackenzie - C.W. ( sunshine. Brown eyes, blonde hair, MPDG )
  • always in my heart🥀
  • IscrittoMay 4, 2019

Ultimo messaggio
therealkassviotto therealkassviotto Nov 25, 2020 09:27PM
posted a new poem in my poem book ; check it out! xx( ps. lemme know what you think its about ;) )
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Storie di ‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎Kass
Lorretta di therealkassviotto
Toeing the line, Blue collar, white lies
Coming Down Again di therealkassviotto
Coming Down Again
summer, blonde hair, soft, love
+1 altre
Renee di therealkassviotto
Hand holding, backstage, seasons, avoidance
2 Elenchi di lettura