do /i/ feel bad? naah.

@iryoularchive ⠀ ⠀ i don’t know. [she follows suit, a perfect shadow in the way she mimics jane’s sturdy left and slightly impeded right step down the cobblestone path leading farther away from the house. a diagnosis had been set in place, a type a spirit possessing the body of the only son of the family residing in said house.] — you have to be pretty desperate to believe what we say. [the spirit, neutral in its motivations and vastly indifferent in its responses, was completely false. made up. told via the many a creative fabrications of jane doe and sissy stirling-li. though the house itself was very much haunted to the expert eye.] is the boy sick then? or just faking it? — that’s a laugh.

i mean, it's kinda on those guys (jane makes some vague gesture to the house the two had just stepped out of with her free hand, the other holding a cigarette,) for believing all that stuff, don't you think?