It must have just updated. Malfunction has hovered around the 60s and 50s for a few weeks. It's good for drawing in new readers to the site, and I've noticed a lot of new users checking it out lately. That is a positive. Other than that, it is a decent indicator of popularity but not really of quality. Violent, pornish stuff seems to win out in most genres, and a lot of it is based off the young teen girl demographic that frequents WP. Not bad, but not my aim in readership. It has it's purpose, I suppose.
Thank you. It will be a while, but I am optimistic. I will probably try to self-publish this one, unless I get an offer before that happens, but I don't expect that. I just feel like this particular book is a good one to try self-publishing with. It's got more sales potential than my Fantasy...which I feel will be really hard to break into the industry with so I want a good solid publisher backing me up on that one.
I find one of the best ways to get an idea of my actual readership is just to see how many reads each chapter gets in the first 2-3 days after it is published. It takes a while to get a pattern, but seems like a pretty good judge. I'm still unsure if the unique readers count is unique per day, or unique in all the history of the story. Even reads can be iffy though.