
I Have An Eating Disorder..... yay?


Funny story, My parents ship soukouko...I told my mom 'Who's your favourite BSD character?' she responded 'The hot ginger' I'm like what?! 'I said what's their name' and she's like 'you know him...Chuuya Nakahara, the hot ginger' i mean true true then I went to my dad and said the same thing hes like 'dazai' 'what?' 'dazai' 'o-okay?' and then i said 'watcha think about soukoku (they know what that means) and moms like 'cute' dads like 'top chuuya bottom dazai' and my mom and me are like 'what'


@tirisuya  I agree with your dad : ✨️top chuuya bottom dazai✨️ (coming out of nowhere just to say this, i know it's weird sorry ;-;) 
            (Btw sorry if my english is weird, it's not my first language) 