
With my sports intense season coming to a close in the next few weeks, I will have time to write again. I have been making my schoolwork and my mental health my first priority but, I really miss my books and I want to finish them. :) much love


With my sports intense season coming to a close in the next few weeks, I will have time to write again. I have been making my schoolwork and my mental health my first priority but, I really miss my books and I want to finish them. :) much love


Recently I have been struggling controlling personal issues in my life. I will finish Align because I set goals for myself and hate when I disappoint, and Johanna will also possibly be wrapped up. New chapter coming soon.


          As you can see I have not been active. This is because I started school again, and things have jsut been very stressful in my personal life. I've had alot go on and honestly I simply could not find any time at all to sleep, much less write. I'm very sorry for my absence. I will be finishing Align and Johanna. I do not know when I will, hopefully before March when the boys disband. I love everyone who ever read my books.


I'll be reaching my 3 year mark this summer for my involvement in wattpad. That is crazy!!! Now, I haven't been writing my books for that long, they cam a bit after I started this account. I just want to say a massive thanks to anyone that's every opened, read, commented, or voted on my stories. It really means a lot to me. I'm very close to reaching a total read count of 2k, which is more than I imagined. My goal here was to just use my fan-fictions as an outlet, just a way for me to spend extra time and make myself happy while doing so. The fact that people actually want to read what I write is amazing, and I love you all. 
          Have an amazing summer!


This is about Zayn leaving.
          I am speechless. I would have hoped this day to never come, but it did, and I am heartbroken. But I also know he did it with a very goo reason, and if he left during the middle of tour it was obviously a big issue. I love Zayn, I will always love Zayn, and I will continue to show support to the boys. I suggest you do as well. Do not be selfish and send him hate. He is only human and deserves a normal life. That's all. Have a good week.


well, guess who's on spring break. 
          That's right, I am.
          So I might (I stress the MIGHT) find time to post a chapter or two or three of Align because I'm really happy with how it's going. I feel prepared and I'm not freaking out like I am with Johanna.
          Now, about the freaking out over Johanna- I had planned out what I wanted to do with that story but as I moved along I didn't really follow my outline and that's kind of a big deal since now things can't really follow the same path as they would've. But that's okay. Im trying to rearrange my brain and see if I can still stay a bit on course and give the people who read that story a good ending. Oh, and sequel. That's right. Johanna will have a sequel once I get my act together and give you the cliffhanger that might piss a few of you off, I don't know. We'll see. 
          Now, Broken Boy. This is kind of becoming a lost cause, and I only say this because I'm so overwhelmed and not sure if I could maintain three books at the moment. I want them to be good and well thought out, not just filler chapter after filler chapter and terrible plot lines. I started Broken Boy and Johanna before I really got to understand how Wattpad worked, and as you can maybe tell I also started them before I really started to understand the fandom and the boys united. That sounds a bit weird, but honestly if I was just starting Johanna today it would be a totally different story. 
          Anyways, I hope you're day goes amazing, I hope school isn't too hard, and I hope you get a well deserved spring break. 
          All the love,