Hi guys!! Let me tell you a few things about me. I admin multiple plages on Facebook. Here are the pages I admin:
Atala from If We Burn, You Burn With Us! -Katniss Everdeen (temporary admin)
Annie on Real or Not Real -Peeta Mellark
Annie on Wiress (District 3)
Staple on Young Writers United
Paylor on "You Must Have Loved Me A Lot" "I Did"
Prim on I'm Going To Stay Here and Cause All Kinds of Trouble -Katniss
Maya on 76 Hunger Games Tributes
Nelli on Luna the Puppy <--brand new page for rescue dogs that I have yet to post on

Pity of the Doubt is NOT my first novel; I've attempted to write a novel before, and never finished it. I've also written a Percy Jackson fan fiction. Maybe you'll see it on Wattpad one day. Who knows :P

In my author's notes in my Hunger Games-based books, I will sign off as Atala. Atala was my admin name on IWBYBWU (see above) and that page is what gave me the confidence to start posting more and more pieces of my writing online. So if you see me sign off as Atala, that's why. Any other story, I will sign off with my real name (Jordyn).

I love reading. Without some very special authors, I wouldn't be where I am now. If it wasnt for Rick Riordan, Suzanne Collins, Veronica Roth, or Roisin Kerin, you woudn't be reading my works.

I'm thirteen and hope to become an author one day. I figured that I needed to start somewhere, so what better place than wattpad? Hopefully, you guys will enjoy my stories as I write them :) I enjoy feedback because it helps me know what I need to improve, get rid of, or keep :) Enjoy!!
  • انضمJuly 9, 2012


الرسالة الأخيرة
tomthebanana tomthebanana Jul 23, 2012 04:44AM
Hello beautiful people!!! I need YOUR help! I haven't written in Pity of the Doubt in a LONG time, due to some MAJOR Writer's block. SO I was wondering what do YOU think should happen in the upcoming...
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