Hello, fellow citizens of Wattpad! We are the Trump Dumpers!

Support our hashtag, #letsdumptrump, by tagging your book with it, adding our sash to your profile picture or our sticker to your anti-Trump book!

Sash- https://m.imgur.com/qgwkhXc

Sticker- https://imgur.com/zyi7gm5

If you support Trump, then we fully respect your opini- NOPE TRUMP IS STUPID IF YOU SUPPORT HIM GET OUT

If you haven't already guessed, this is a Donald Trump hate page. Our name was inspired by the game Trump Dump! Get it today, it's amazing!

The only love that we will be increasing around Donald Trump is the acronym.

Our group OTP is Donwall Trump, Donald Trump and his wall. He doesn't deserve a living being.

We are-


Fellow Trump haters, and honorary Trump Dumpers!


Follow OUR INSTA trump_dumpers

Want to rant about Trump together? Contact us at trumpdumpers@gmail.com
#letsdumptrump #NotMyPresident
  • Dumping Trump
  • انضمFebruary 4, 2016

الرسالة الأخيرة
trump_dumpers trump_dumpers Nov 07, 2020 05:39PM
He has been dumped. 
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