Read gothic lit. Make shorts that can relate to anyone and to anything. Very few are experiences, and most are just made from the mind. 
  • IscrittoJune 12, 2015


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unavailable000 unavailable000 Jan 06, 2017 03:07PM
This account will be taken down within 24 hours, before then if you like follow Anthony626 @Death690. It's your choice don't have to if you don't want to. 
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Storie di unavailable000
Random stuff di unavailable000
Random stuff
As said from title just random stuff I will put here depending on mood.. Oh look a poptart Mine!! Also scorpi...
A lost Soul di unavailable000
A lost Soul
Not really a story or a poem guess you can call it a short. Feel free to leave a comment of what you think. G...
+2 altre
Nightmare di unavailable000
Now you've read the Lost Soul and some of you actually liked it. So I decided to make the darker side of what...