
@xBrokenPromisesx: awwwww thanks lol but i love your stories so amazing


          i wuldd thankk you frum the bottom of my heartt, but for you my heartt has no bottom :) 
          meaninqq :: thankk u for becominqq my fan! i wuld hav sentt this before, but i never had the time :) ndd i need to thankk my fans for becominqq a fan! you rockk! 
          luv yah! not likk that...but u know watt i mean!!! but seriously, you made my day!! 


          Just wanted to ­pass by, and ask you if you ca­n read/comment/vote my story, ­ Dark Purgatory. It is a new sto­ry, That i just started. I kno­w these get annoying, but it's­­ the only way to get my stor­y to get more known. 
          Thank you. (:


Thank you very much for being my fan! It means a lot to me when ppl support my crazy stories lol!
          I'll be uploading new Being tomorrow and then its Avatar weekend and then new Tattoo on Monday!
          Hope you like!


oh, i forrgot to mention: YOU'RE MY NEW BEST FRIEND! 
          and what i was saying in the advice another word to the wise; find inspiration in small places. for example, this new story im writing hit me when I was watching cinderella 3 (awesome movie by the way) with my baby sister. see? let it come from the heart


here's a tip:
          be yourself, hell that's what I did (i can swear now becuz my little sister's out of the room) and everybody loved it: for example, have you seen anyone on wattpad writing a book about running down celebrities with their bumblebee inspired cars?
          i didn't think so.
          anyways, the point is, you should write about anything you want, and BE CREATIVE.
          p.s. could you sign me up for your first story? my godddam laptop won't copy and paste. I am too cheerful to be emo, but love all minorities and races