
chapter 6 : eleven years and the jacket. 


          i am back from the grave i had dug for myself. literally. bittersweet celebrations for officially being done with college, yours truly is now a graduate (unofficially anyways). now i have to find a new place to dig a grave where i will bury myself for the next 2 years. it is a never-ending cycle. 
          but aside from that. wattpad shut down their PMs. the very essence of this place has gone down in ruins with first the feeds being removed and now THIS. and what's with the ADs after ever 2 chapters that i scroll on my phone? ngl, wattpad was home but now it is just another . . . place . . . i came back to. 
          anyways, moving on.
          i am alive for everyone who still remembers me and with the PMs gone i really can't find everyone i once talked to here. especially since many changed their usernames. so guys drop a sentence or two to this announcement so that i can find you. 
          now for my READERS; i swear i am writing. and i do have material to publish but i need to know how many are still here for it. idk how huge the Amourshipping community is here anymore and although i have an MLB story, i never really gained any readers there. so i wanted to know how many are still here for those books. those books are ideas that my teenage self had, so it has been a good 4-5 years since then and i have kind of outgrown fanfics. nonetheless, i will finish those off even if it is for one reader. i do not want to leave any reader hanging. i just need some encouragement :) 
          hope everyone is doing well and hope to find some familiar faces once more :)
          happy reading <3


@wandering_stardust Although I haven't been around for that long, I do relate to the feeling of coming home vs just another app to check notifications from. I used to read so many amourshipping fanfics a year or two ago and now I just come to check if few of my selected authors actually updated or not.
            I think if you have the time and dedication to spare, I don't mind reading amourshipping fics from you again. I am still waiting for an update to 'In Pursuit of him'. 


@wandering_stardust hey buddy
            I completely agree, from what was a heaven or a Aurium mine for stories has got severely overshadowed under the pretense of a publicity or marketing showroom, and it pains to me that passionate writers like you no longer find the pleasure in sharing your glimpses and snippets
            I would just say I am glad that you seem alright....I wouldn't want to force you or anything since I understand
            I just wish that you stay happy and alright at all times
            Cheers, Seb


It can’t be helped that other half of the population are just dead accounts 


          Greetings fellow Miraculer,
          We're proud to announce that the applications for the Special Miraculous Awards 2023 have opened! 
          @TheMiraculousSociety has revived the SMA 2023 where you can stand a chance to win exciting prizes with your Fan-Fictions, designing skills and much more! 
          You can enter your Miraculous Fan-Fiction book(s) in our Awards &/ be a Judge of some amazing Miraculous books on Wattpad. We also have mini-contests for writers and graphic designers ✧ 
          So, what are you waiting for?
          Check out our book → SMA 2023 available on our account TheMiraculousSociety now and fill up the form(s) while slots are still open! 
          Stay Safe,
          Stay Miraculous! 
          Link to SMA 2023 ⤵️


where did that carefree, 16-year old me who sang, danced, drew, wrote and read go?


@wandering_stardust I mean yes, we do go through change, but high school, is when you go through the most


@wandering_stardust no, but highschool is when you experience the most amount of change, entering and leaving. I had some of the best memories, and some of my worst memories my  4 years of high school. Weather it be finding love, getting your heart torn out, making new friends or reuniting with old, or completely how you present yourself to the world, that point in your life is the most crucial to your development, like take me for example, I entered that age, having a few close friends, by the middle of junior year, I had a whole friend group who would hang out, almost every weekend outside of school. Come end of senior year, that friend group has broken down to barely anyone who still wants to get the old group back together. I’ve had my heart broken more times than once, and I’ve broken others as well during this time. It’s all a matter of how you decide to live your life.


@ThatSeniorBandKid won't we go through change ever again?


i have no idea what to do with my next chapter. 


@wandering_stardust lol not me forgetting that I had written this


            1. Haha can relate
            2. Hope you get some ideas (and/or motivation if you need it) soon :)
            3. Have you tried just going '[write something here]/[chapter _]' and then just skipping it for now and writing the rest / what happens next before going back to it?


i have exams. but i wanna write. (and i haven't started studying yet.) *cries in alphabets*


@wandering_stardust that's your brain saying. Let's procastinate


@wandering_stardust  Sad but i would recommend to read for exams or else your parents will kill you


Hi. How do people survive college assignments/practical files/tests? I need help. Desperately. 


@Breathing_mirrors i would've been married off my parents if i had failed :D


@wandering_stardust by failing class 12th..lol( my boards are going on everyone..and I haven't failed...yet)