hello you beautiful people 
I'm Christian Collins aka weekly Chris

my new merchandise is out now
And my new single #break up make up is out now on iTunes and Spotify

And I will see you and your beautiful faces next time *puts my hand on the side of my head and salutes* boom
  • Canada
  • IscrittoJune 6, 2016

Ultimo messaggio
weeklychrisoffic weeklychrisoffic Jul 20, 2016 10:42PM
Oh girl where's your smile just one word it's AMAZING 
Visualizza tutte le conversazioni

Storie di Chris Collins
Christian Collins  di weeklychrisoffic
Christian Collins
My life about me and my AMAZING FANS
King pomsky  di weeklychrisoffic
King pomsky
I'm King pomsky Christian's baby
Chris on Snapchat/covers  di weeklychrisoffic
Chris on Snapchat/covers
My life on snapchat