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I'm leaving wattpad. I already wrote out a long, sentimental thing about why but it was too long so here's the shortened version: So on my other wattpad account, I wrote a story about my biology teacher, two students, and a woody toy and a bunch of people at my school found it, including one of the students mentioned in said story, and I've been getting harassed about it and I'm afraid I'm gonna get suspended or some bullshit. Yeah I know that was on my other account but also I don't really use wattpad anymore besides writing joke stories or venting about life problems. So I'm leaving you guys with two stories, Carl Azuz x Sanjay Gupta real otp (because that was legendary) and Dramatic love stories (because that's also too good) As for what I'm gonna do, I don't know. I think I'm just gonna delete wattpad off my phone but if I ever come back to write another joke story or to vent about my life, I'll make a new account to do that on. So long and goodnight ((yes i had to end it on an emo lyric))