
i miss writing here. 
          	actually, i miss writing in general. 


"Andreea nu vreau sa ne certam dar nu stiu au fost prea multe vorbe si cred ca mai bine am lua o pauza sau nu stiu ....... chiar nu stiu ma simt so de cacat trebuie sa ti mai zic ceva dupa"
          "e 1 aprilie iubito" 


în ultimele două zile s-au întâmplat atâtea chestii la care nu m-aș fi așteptat niciodată și sunt shook af. 


data viitoare fără noi în casă. 


@saeray și toate ce vor urma. 


“can you just tell me one thing?” he asks her. “can you tell me if you loved me?”
“of course i did, i still do. but it wasn’t right. we hurt each other more than we healed one another. do you remember us back then, how we were constantly arguing? you wanted your way and i wanted mine, and neither one of us would sway towards the other’s corner. we’d attack each other and then try to make it up with whispers in each other’s ears and kisses on each other’s necks. and yea it felt good at that time, but it didn’t last; we’d be onto our next argument just hours later. we’d ignore each other for days, knowing that the other is hurting, and it didn’t matter. it was taking a toll on the both of us; i was losing my sanity and you your pride. we were slowly killing each other and it needed to end; i had to blow the flame out before it got us both. but i never for stopped loving you; i never stopped thinking about you. i love you to the moon and back times infinity, but we weren’t meant to be together.”


I remember falling in love with you. 
It was so easy. 
          I remember hating you for leaving and wasting your time with someone new. 
That was even easier. 
          Now, I’m trying to forget you and move on. 
It’s never going to happen.. I’m afraid, I’m never going to forget how it felt to be next to you. 
          I’m really sorry about it.