
Epilogue for My Divorce Story will be happening.  This is not a drill! I repeat, this is not a drill!


Hello my friends! I need to tell you something about my book "Secrets". It will be coming to an end in this next chapter. (8). I would also like to apologize to the people who have already read Secrets chapter 8. Because it made no sense whatsoever. I'm working on it and it will make sense now. I will also be posting a book with an alternative ending. (A little happier) 
          Also, thank you! 
          "My divorce story" and "secrets" both have over 100 reads! Thank you guys so much! 
          Please read, like, comment, pm... And as always:
          Love and God bless,


An excerpt from Secrets: Chapter 8.
          I see Ace pop his head around the corner down the hall a little ways. He has something shiny in his hand. A coin.  Not even a lot, either. It's only a penny. This is a guard! Not a kindergartener! He won't care if he sees a penny he's gonna go looking for the person who threw it. Ace! Ace, stop it you idiot! I mouth. But he lets go of the coin.


An Excerpt of Secrets: Chapter 6.
          It's been one week of camp and today one of the teachers (I gave up on learning their names on the 3rd day) said that we will be sending a letter home to our families for "reassurance purposes" he projects an image. I think nothing of it and begin a rather intense game of Rock Paper Scissors with Ace. Then all at once he stops.
          "What's wrong?" I whisper.
          "The letter! That's what. It's signed by the camp!" I lean back in my chair.
          "So what- OH NO! Ace, please. Please help me!" 
          "Anything. Just tell me what to do."
          "I-I don't know." I say throwing my head into my hands.
          "Let me think about it" I say.