My inspiration is myself. I get my inspiration from the atmosphere I feel. Also, the books I've read that made a huge impact on my self understanding. In short, I get my inspiration from what I feel and what I read. Thank you for reading my books!!
For those who read The Girl Who Doesn't Know What Love Is, I actually changed the book's title to Cluelesss In Love. Why? The Title gives so much hints about what the story will be. I don't like that haha
Ciao, Esca
for all those who read the new update of Queen Jonaxx's story, Whipped. I hope all of you relate to me. I FREAKING WANT TO TORTURE KNOXX UGHHHHHH. AND GIVE A CACTUS TO LUMI!!.
That's all thank you and goodnight. Ciao, Esca
"Love is not Blind, nor is a Mystery. Love is always expected. When you know a person who can make you blush by just doing the simplest things, you'll know you're in love with him."
Have a Good Sunday!! Enjoy the Weekend!